What is collective curation?
“It is not information overload. It's filter failure” Clay Shirky
Have you ever been overwhelmed trying to find the information you need online? Ever asked a friend to share a useful resource they have found? We know that when we work together we can achieve more.
Collective curation is the process of working with others to filter, organise and share online information about specific topics. Collective curation works best when you use the right tools and communication practices.
What tools should I use?
Although there are many curation tools out there for us to use to connect, share and collaborate, it is important to remember that platforms and tools are designed for specific purposes and as a result we use them differently. As a general rule we can divide collective curation practices into two categories Personal and Social and School and Learning.
Think - Pair - Share Activity: Find a partner and consider the different tools and platforms you use at home and at school. Are they the same or different? Do your responses match the table below?
Personal and Social

Communication Protocols and Practices
We use different tools and platforms for different purposes but what about how we use them. Without evening knowing it, we already change the way we share information with people depending on who they are. When sharing information with teachers we use certain communication practices such as language, mannerisms and tone, when we share information with friends we use different communication practices. When sharing content and information online with others we also need to be aware of how we are communicating. To do this we need to be aware of how Language, Background Knowledge and Cultural Communication can impact on how we share and receive information when using collective curation tools.
Tip: Don't use slang, it can be isolating and confusing for people who don't speak the same language.
Tip: Be aware that content may be irrelevant, inappropriate for people who live in different regions. Keep your posts as releavnt as possible to the topic being explored.
Tip: Social etiquette looks different in every culture and country and as a result we need to acknolwegde this impact on the digital environment.
When curating information online don't assume we all speak the same language. It's important to remember that other curators may have a different first language. Check out the map below. Can you find your country?
Background Knowledge
Looking at the Trend Map below, you can really get a better understanding of how big the world is in terms of content and information. Take a minute to scan the world, highlighting the different topics that are currently trending.
Cultural Communication
The way we are raised, our values and beliefs all impact on how we communicate and share information with others. Consider the kind of language, mannerism and ton you use when talking with others. What does this look like online?

Global-Integration (2016)
Swallow (2012)
I am a Global Curator!
It's time to practice. Using the Padlet below find and share an article, video, podcast or any other resource about "Digital Footprint"
Include: Link to resource and short justification or explanation of content.
What kind of collective curator are you?
What kind of curator are you?
Take the quiz below and find out what kind of collective curator you are.
Created by Claire Hazenberg. Adapted from Gadot & Levin (2012)